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​​ Rate limiting on managed public buckets through

Managed public bucket access through an subdomain is not intended for production usage and has a rate limit applied to it. If you exceed the rate limit, requests through your subdomain will be temporarily throttled and you will receive a 429 Too Many Requests response. For production use cases, consider linking a custom domain to your bucket.

​​ Account plan limits

Bucket1000 buckets per account
Data storage per bucketUnlimited
Object key length1,024 bytes
Object metadata size8,192 bytes
Object size5 TB per object
Maximum object name length1024 bytes
Maximum upload size15 GB
Maximum upload parts10,000
Maximum custom domains per bucket50

1 Max upload size applies to uploading a file via one request, uploading a part of a multipart upload, or copying into a part of a multipart upload. If you have a Worker, its inbound request size is constrained by Workers request limits. The max upload size limit does not apply to subrequests.
Review the Examples on how to use the SDKs.

​​ Caching

Currently Cloudflare’s Tiered Cache feature is not compatible with responses from R2. These responses will act as if Tiered Cache is not configured.